Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Excellent Morning Viewing

 July 8, 2024

We set up quickly upon our 4:30 arrival with clear skies. At 5:44, 907F was up briefly to reposition herself and two minutes later a black wolf (not sure whether pup or yearling) moved about, too front of right trees. At 6:00, the gray pup was visible as well. There was some play in the marsh area.

It was a busy day with lots of people to help, including guides and tourists, children and adults alike. I didn't write anything else down, though I know we had sightings until 10:30. A bison moved through the area the wolves were bedded in, prompting 907F to get up along with the pups, who went to the safety of the hole the wolves dug on the ledge just above the marsh. We finally figured out that they had a den hole there because they kept disappearing there for hours at a time and it was too hot for them to just lay in the sun. 907F was not too concerned, as she allowed the bison to cross between her and her pups. She kept a watchful eye on them.

John also engaged an old fisherman who gave John a print of his artwork. He draws people and wildlife and even illustrated a children's book.

We stopped scoping at 10:45, tired from the previous days with nine and ten hours of scoping. Jason took the day to resupply and do laundry in Gardiner, and we had an iced latte that we sipped in the rocking chairs outside of Yellowstone Forever. We saw Jason there and talked for a while, and John called his friend, Mark Perry, to talk about photographing wolves. 

Back at the cabin, I popped across the street to the market, and just as I was leaving, I saw Steve. He and Jackie walked up to the cabin from the parking lot and visited with us for a couple of hours. It was really nice to get to know them better. We talked about travel, wolves, and Rick M. I shared that I thought Rick was perhaps ill, and we surmised that the perfect way for him to go would be on Bob's Knob watching the wolves, and then the wolves would all howl for him when he was gone. That brought Jackie to tears.

We were able to determine that Rick is the same age as John.

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