Thursday, July 11, 2024

Pups on Their Own Again

 July 11, 2024

Our ride into the park was a bit shorter since we're staying in Silver Gate. It was a little warmer than it has been, so I didn't need a heavy jacket or two jackets. The skies were clear and we had a rosy glow.

Photo courtesy of Debbie Morford

We got to see Debbie for the last time today, as she works early tomorrow saving the bears from human stupidity. She was harassed yesterday while working by a real jerk from California who planted himself next to Jason. We were sure to speak loudly about how important it was for the animals to break up the wildlife jams and we didn't talk to him. She saw the pups and then went to Lamar to see 907F and 1479F.

We had both pups by 6:15, and then saw them again briefly at about 7:30. They were alone for the second day in a row at the den site. We had lots of reports, both in-person from other visitors and on the radio, about 907F and 1479F. We hoped one of them would return while we watched since they were headed west but neither showed up by noon. Last night, 907F returned to feed the pups but there was no sign of the alpha male. It's been nine days; he is likely dead.

What will happen to the Junction Butte Pack? Perhaps another male will take over as the alpha. Maybe 907F will fade away. The pups could die without good hunters to bring them food. A grown wolf can survive on scavenged carcasses and small mammals, but I am not sure that can support two growing pups.

Tomorrow, we have one last viewing. If the pups are alone again, we may go to the Lamar to see 907F one last time, possibly our very last time.

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